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Rotoiti Landscapes

Growing and promoting native plants from Nelson Lakes

Kanuka  Kunzea ericoides

Myrtaceae family. Small tree graceful in in appearance with its erect stance and fine dark green foliage. Can grow up to 8 metres.  Faster growing than Manuka.  Versatile plant ideal  for many applications in a range of situations.  Hardy, has a wide habitat occurring throughout New Zealand.

Manuka   Leptospernum scoparium

Myrtaceae.  Manuka is found throughout New Zealand, often with Kanuka.  It is aromatic and valued for its oil and honey. Smaller than Kanuka growing more as a bush than a tree.  Its flowers and fragrance make it a pleasant plant to have in in the garden.

Coprosma propinqua

Rubiaceae.  A small leaved shrub growing 3 - 6 metres. Grows widely in New Zealand typically in scrubland often alongside with Manuka and Kanuka.  Clips neatly and  makes an attractive hedge or shaped bush.

Soft Mingimingi  Leucopogon fasciculatus

Ericaceae. Small spreading delicately branched bush growing up to 2metres. Stands out with its attractive with its dense greeny gold foliage.  Leaves are soft and needle like.  Bears small white flowers maturing to a tiny edible fruit in Autumn.  Quite hardy with a preference for sun.  Natural habitat is scrubland of the North and upper South Island.

Marbleaf   Carpodetus serratus

Rousseaceae.  Small tree upright in stature.  Grows to about 7 metres.  Found throughout New Zealand.  Bears small star like flowers in panicles during summer maturing to a small purple fruit in Autumn.  Attractive as a garden specimen.

Kapuka     Griselinia littoralis

Griseliniaceae.  Occurs naturally throughout New Zealand.  It is highly valued as a hedge plant for its appearance, tolerance of a range of habitat and in particular its ability to withstand wind.  In its natural state will grow into a bushy tree up to about 8 metres.

Koromiko    Hebe salicifolia

Plantagenaceae. Found throughout South Island and Chile.  Quite hardy but not tolerant of wet or shady situations.  It is a large spreading bush and can grow several metres in height.

Snowberry    Gaultheria antipoda

Ericaceae family. Also known as Fools Beech for its similarity to young Beech plants.  It is  found throughout New Zealand in a variety of habitats from lowland to alpine scrub and in open rocky areas.  Will grow erect or spreading to about 1 - 2 metres high.  Bears small white or red flowers which mature to a small fleshy fruit capsule.

Tree Fucshia    Fucshia excorticata

Onagraceae family.  New Zealand's native fuchsia.  It is unique among Fucshias in being able to grow into a tree of up to 15 metres in the wild. It will also spread out as a large bush.  Prunes well.  Prefers semi shade and moist soil often growing along stream banks.  Flowers are typically fuchsia in appearance maturing into a sweet berry.  The fuchsia is also unique in being deciduous.  Grows  rapidly.

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