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Rotoiti  Landscapes

Growing and promoting native plants from Nelson  Lakes

Rotoiti Landscapes is the project of Wellington lawn and garden professional Andrew Krijger.  This website derives its name from the beautiful Nelson Lakes region. Andrew has a long association with the area going back to 2004 when he purchased a holiday home there.

This website has three objectives.  Firstly, to introduce others to the beautiful native plants that grow in this area. Under Plants you will find pictures and an overview of some of these plants.  Secondly, the site is designed to encourage an interest in regenerating bare land to its natural state. Andrew propagates plants featured on this website.  Some are used for planting on a block of land he is personally regenerating while others are raised for sale.  Enquiry for purchase of plants featured on the site is welcome. The third objective is to promote Nelson Lakes National Park.  Under the Gallery tab is a collection of landscape photography while information appears on the Park's unique geology  and ecology under Articles. You can follow Andrew's journey with plants from Rotoiti by clicking the link under Section landscaping in the Articles tab.

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